
Simple mind app for mac
Simple mind app for mac


There's also dry pens and people whose handwriting is illegible. Sure, take a picture of the board, or override the DNE order. Whiteboards are much better, but what do you do when you run out of board space? Then there's the boards where someone writes "Do Not Erase!" on half of the whiteboard. You can indent to show parent-child hierarchy but how do you show a child item that derives from more than one parent in a simple list of text. A text editor is constrained to a linear list of items. You can do similar activities with a text editor, spreadsheet, whiteboard, or paper and pencil but each of these has constraints (claptrap) that will at some point get in your way and break your train of thought or stall the collaborating group. What I find particularly useful about mind mapping tools like MindNode is the ability to simply throw items (nodes) on the map without worrying too much about the organization of the document (map) itself because it's easy to move things around and create more space.

simple mind app for mac

I've used mind mapping extensively for brainstorming, information gathering, and planning around subject matter, topics, projects, etc., both for self organization to collect my thoughts and when collaborating with a group of people to collect the thoughts of the entire group in one document. What sort of work would you be doing where you would need such an app? Apple revives its App Store Christmas sales like they used to do and MindNode 5 is on the list. Since MindNode 4 is still very desirable I'll wait to see how XMind does on iOS before jumping on MindNode 5. but I think it is getting closer because I had a TestFlight invitation for it this past summer. What's been missing from XMind is native iOS support but it has been in the "coming soon" state for a while. Interestingly I had no JVM issues at all with the lightweight Ubuntu MATE which means it should run on RPi3. Some Linux distros require some JVM reconfiguration for XMind to run.


Less desirable has been XMind's Java/JVM dependency, but on modern hardware and Windows and macOS it's not an issue.


I do use the export to PDF and MS Office formats with XMind.

simple mind app for mac

I love XMind's drill-down navigation and presentation mode which makes it very easy to create hierarchical maps of maps. MindJet's product is good and very popular in corporate settings but it's too closed when it comes to import/export. Of the mind mapping programs that I've used including MindJet MindManager, IThoughtsHD, MindNode, and XMind I like MindNode the best on iOS but I find that I still like XMind the best overall because it's available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Simple mind app for mac